July 22, 2021

What is Omnisys for me? First, Omnisys is a group of special, professional, determined and humble people. Omnisys complements, supports and leads at the same time. I have known the company for over 15 years since the beginning of my career at Rafael. Since then it has continued to grow and develop products. Yet not for a moment has its solutions stopped being influential and integrated within the leading systems and multi-system technologies developed by large industry players and the Israeli Ministry of Defense. Ofer is the leader and cornerstone of the company, who knows how to be a great friend, manager and professional. The company’s people are intertwined with the large industry players, and there’s always a sense of one unified team. Omnisys instills confidence that there is someone to rely on. It’s a company that knows how to deliver the required output, and has the knowledge, power and resources to support any requirement in its field. I would like Omnisys to continue in its path with its unique character. I hope it will continue to grow and flourish and impact the security of Israel. And I wish it will continue to be an excellent team player.
