In the last decades, the proliferation of RF-consuming resources (such as radar, SIGINT and EW systems) across wireless, cellular and satellite communication networks has made the RF spectrum an increasingly scarce resource. For both military and civilian applications, utilizing this resource efficiently is essential due to the ever-growing gap between rising demand and finite spectrum supply.
The Need
Our Solution
BRO for Spectrum Management (BRO-SM) is an advanced battle resource optimization system that effectively manages spectrum usage so as to enhance overall mission success. The system improves the performance of multiple operational missions in a region by combined optimization of mission parameters and spectrum allocation. BRO-SM provides real-time analysis, mission performance degradation alerts and action recommendations, as well as advanced planning and debriefing capabilities.
BRO-SM uses specs and measurements from emitters and receivers in order to optimize frequency allocation and minimize actual interference to sensors and communication systems. Working either independently or in conjunction with existing command-and-control (C4I) systems, BRO-SM enables mission commanders to make faster and better decisions.

Your Benefits

BRO-SM Products
BRO-SM Planner enables the mission planning team to estimate and maximize mission performance through optimized pre-mission planning:
- Spectrum allocation: optimal frequency allocation for:
- radars
- wireless communication and SATCOM systems
- jammers and electronic countermeasure (ECM) systems
- Operational order generation: production of an operational mission order that includes frequency allocation for each system and spectrum management policy
BRO-SM Commander delivers a range of real-time capabilities to the mission operations team for maximized mission management:
- Performance analysis: spectrum coexistence and spectrum utilization efficiency performance estimation and analysis
- Degradation alerts: real-time degradation alerts, such as due to mutual interference, and explanations of the underlying reasons for the degradations
- Action recommendations: real-time action recommendations, such as frequency reallocation, sector inhibition or parameter adjustments
BRO-SM Debriefer provides invaluable information to BRO-SM Commander and allows the mission debriefing team to streamline and optimize the debriefing process:
- Debriefing tools: effective debriefing tools for in-mission and post-mission performance analysis
- Log analysis: advanced analysis of mission logs (both technical and operational)
- Automatic model calibration: ongoing RF system model calibration (e.g. continuous updating of the spectral skirt of various emitters) using mission logs, providing more accurate inputs for operational mission optimization
- New emitter indications: alerts regarding new types of emitters in the arena
- Pattern/anomaly analysis: pattern and anomaly analysis relating to both own RF systems and enemy behavior using big data handling and machine learning capabilities